Feb 20, 2015
<iframe width=”640″ height=”360″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/xq77jGn9n2I?feature=player_detailpage” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>
Feb 18, 2015
His (Terry & Jack) BMW R1200GS Advenuture BMW R1200 GS Adventure 2014 BMW Aluminum Panniers (by Touratech) BMW Navigator V GPS Touratech Top Bags Touratech Dry Bags Touratech Tank bag Touratech Crashbar bags Touratech Final Drive Breather Extension...
Dec 31, 2014
I’m sitting this morning, sipping Guatemalan coffee on the couch of a friend’s house, just me and the cat wondering what the day will bring. I know what we HAVE to accomplish this lovely Saturday, but there are too many things yet to do; finding Jack a new pair of...
Oct 27, 2014
By Sandy Borden When crossing any border, you are immediately met with a whole new set of challenges. Where do I go? Where do I stay? Where do I eat? Why does it appear that there are no rules to passing or turning or even going straight?!? Your education...
Dec 13, 2013