Recent Videos

Recent Videos

Check here first for the most recent videos that Jack & Terry produce about our trip and travels and let us know what else you want to see. We love sharing our story and hopefully inspiring others to travel.

“A Two-Wheel Education: The World Beyond the Media”

Adventure Trio Leaves the Usual and Rides to South America Starting September 2014 Terry, Sandy and Jack Borden (aka The Adventure Trio) have done what many in America may call unusual. In May of 2013, they made the decision to ride their 2 BMW GS motorcycles to South...
“A Two-Wheel Education:  The World Beyond the Media”

“A Two-Wheel Education: The World Beyond the Media”

Adventure Trio Leaves the Usual and Rides to South America Starting September 2014 Terry, Sandy and Jack Borden (aka The Adventure Trio) have done what many in America may call unusual. In May of 2013, they made the decision to ride their 2 BMW GS motorcycles to South...