Jack Shit


While I sit at the kitchen table in an attempt to come up with something witty for my December column, I quickly lose focus (Shocker!) as I reflect on all that’s happened with our family this year. What I discern from this barely-conscious-moment-of-bliss is that 2013 was a year of first’s for the Borden clan – first trip across the Mexican border on bikes; first column in ON; first MOA rally in Salem…I could go on. And I will, in just a bit. As usual, it takes me penciling out a chunk of time to actually sit still long enough to go through photos…lots and lots of photos. Perusing a year’s worth of pictures takes time because, as you well know, there’s no such thing as quickly glancing through photos. ‘Remember when’ conversations strike up with every picture as I proclaim out loud, “This feels like so long ago! Are we SURE it was this year?”


So, in the spirit of firsts, I’m going to share with ya’ll my version of that ever-popular Christmas letter. No, no, no, it’s not the usual “Johnny made parole, and Sarah is living at home…again…at 42”. That’s not my style. I grew up reading Shel Silverstein’s collections of wonderfully bizarre rhymes and tales, quickly adopting that oddly cool style with a splash of Dr. Suess mixed in. The writing has its own whimsical cadence that, once you get into it, creates more of a personal tale. With the go-ahead nod from Vince to do a poem (Yes, poem!), I now give you my rendition of the Borden family’s year of firsts…


While I sit at the kitchen table in an attempt to come up with something witty for my December column, I quickly lose focus (Shocker!) as I reflect on all that’s happened with our family this year.  What I discern from this barely-conscious-moment-of-bliss is that 2013 was a year of first’s for the Borden clan – first trip across the Mexican border on bikes; first column in ON; first MOA rally in Salem…I could go on.  And I will, in just a bit.  As usual, it takes me penciling out a chunk of time to actually sit still long enough to go through photos…lots and lots of photos.  Perusing a year’s worth of pictures takes time because, as you well know, there’s no such thing as quickly glancing through photos.  ‘Remember when’ conversations strike up with every picture as I proclaim out loud, “This feels like so long ago!  Are we SURE it was this year?


So, in the spirit of firsts, I’m going to share with ya’ll my version of that ever-popular Christmas letter.  No, no, no, it’s not the usual “Johnny made parole, and Sarah is living at home…again…at 42”.  That’s not my style.  I grew up reading Shel Silverstein’s collections of wonderfully bizarre rhymes and tales, quickly adopting that oddly cool style with a splash of Dr. Suess mixed in.  The writing has its own whimsical cadence that, once you get into it, creates more of a personal tale.  I now give you my rendition of the Borden family’s year of firsts…

Terry and Jack on Dirt

Twas the night before Baja, and all through the abode

The Borden’s were eager, their gear already stowed.

They’d been warned and scolded about this targeted end

While those who had warned us only watched CNN.

(And didn’t bother to research their own who, what and when.)


We crossed without a hitch.  No stopping.  No questions;

Not even a scary face after all the bad mentions.

It does help to carry a Spanish-speaking Jack,

Who brought smiles to all faces, to the border and back.


Jack and Terry on the Trail 

The ride to Coco’s was quite tricky at times

With two fully loaded GS’s;

A sandy path we rode to meet the legend

And hang a G-string on his tresses.

 What Jack Thinks


Days filled with Jack hanging by the blue of the sea;

Seashells collected and safely tucked in with me.

Fresh tortillas at the stands that lined the roadsides;

Fish tacos, Coronas, tequila, low tides.

For the love of Baja, this dude abides.

 Jack on Beach in Gonzaga

Then comes the first read of a column aptly titled

For a crazy moto family, their travels unbridled.

“That’s me!” I exclaimed at the first ON sighting;

I was worried I might sound too honest and biting.

Too long with these tales I have been hiding.

 Coffee In Gonzaga

Kudos from readers, I wish you all a big “Thanks!”

They keep the creativity flowing, and even a few pranks.

So far, so good, just don’t run out of tales.

But when you travel with a preteen, with that you won’t fail,

No matter how times you ride down the same trail.


Our first MOA rally came upon us this summer,

To Salem or bust, scenery always a stunner.

So many familiar faces in such a large bunch;

Are we really having pulled pork again for lunch?


From Touratech to KLIM to GS-911;

It was a gadget geeks dream; I think we came home with seven.

We shared a small home very close to the grounds,

South Africans and Brits and Americans abound.

Even some Aussie friends that we eventually found.

 MOA house crew

A right jolly good time no matter the place,

We’d run into friends no matter the space.

Beer tokens aplenty as I quickly became

Mama Bear!  So popular they called me by name.


One more big first!  Jack learned to ride his first “real” geared moto.

It started with Jonathan running alongside a quivering kid riding solo.

Thus is begins, the newest big toy that now lives in our garage.

At this rate we’ll have to expand!  The abode needs to become a lodge.

 John Running Alongside Jack

Yet another first has yet to occur, an announcement soon will follow.

The news was surprising for family and friends, others a bit hard to swallow.

But, those who know us and know our goals will not be surprised when I say…

SSHH! It’s not time to share with the masses; soon enough will come the day.


The time has come to wrap up this piece that I do hope has entertained you.

I write like I speak, I really don’t fib.  I only know how to stay true.

I do hope your year was filled with bliss and memories as great as ours.

For we are all truly blessed to take out our rides for a day or just even hours.


To all I wish very good health and a prosperous 2014.

Where will we go?  What will we do?  All that remains to be seen.

Grab your loves, don’t let them go, and tell them that they are loved.

They are your greatest gift on this journey through life and should always be reminded and hugged.

Bufadora Self Portrait

