A Spring “Break”

After being home for almost 4 months, it was time to set down the school books and turn off the computers for a few days. What a better excuse than Jack’s Spring Break! We set off early Sunday morning with our sights set on camping just north of Brookings, Oregon. A few snow flurries at the summit had us wondering if anyone checked the weather beforehand. But, soon we were back to winding through the beautiful valley floor towards the coast. We exited California and entered Oregon several times as the route zig-zagged along the border, finally arriving to our camp spot on the Oregon Coast.

A few days of combing the beach and sleeping in had us yearning to get back on the road. Our route was south for the day not knowing exactly where the day would take us. A few scenic detours on the 100 mile day led us to a motel stay that evening as Jack was coming down with a nasty cold and needed a warm bed. We were up and out early the last day for our easterly ride home, complete with back road routes and single lane cliff roads reminiscent of Peru and 400 foot canyon drop-offs. We soon found ourselves back in the familiar territory of Siskiyou County and our beautiful Mt. Shasta.

Now we really have the “bug” to get back on the road.