As I sit here on the upper deck of the ferry from Vancouver to Victoria, all the memories of Seattle come flowing back.  But no more about Canada…I’m getting ahead of myself.  You’re just going to have to wait for that one.  WiFi’s been tricky hence the delay in getting up a new post.

There’s so many positive memories about our time in Seattle!  It’s a wonderful city, quite clean with plenty to do for all members of the family.  From restaurants to local sights to the harbor, if you say you’re bored then you’re just boring.

With so much to share I’m going to just give it to you straight from the gut (which seems to be growing rapidly with the lack of hardcore exercise):

No rain +Cool weather=Happy Mom!; Hotel Vintage Park was the best hotel choice (highly recommended); SHOWER!; 8 block walk to and from Pike’s Market is great exercise; no charge for parking the bikes (even behind Curtain #1); free wine from 5-6PM (went back twice within 10 minutes); Terry, thanks for getting coffee in the morning; Starbucks on EVERY corner (no Peet’s to be found in Starbuckville); fish throwers at the market; HUGE F-ING LOBSTER TAILS!; finally some fresh fruit; only one waiter in the restaurant but had a fabulous attitude and some serious hustle; salmon chowder better than clam chowder; STILL NO RAIN!; Jack being such an awesome passenger; haven’t killed each other yet; loving the fog; Japanese version of the Dollar Store – it’s the $1.50 store; video games in the room; did I mention free wine?; Terry shuttling the bikes back and forth to the dealer for a new shock for him, new tires for me (I owe you one);  squeaky toilet seat; what’s with the liquor licensing?; monorail to the Space Needle; smelly severely obese couple in the elevator (nauseating); Jack looking out through the telescopes…all of them!; Hey, it’s Mt. Rainier!; views of the sound and the islands; friendly locals – not so friendly tourists; street performers; all afternoon spent in Experience Music Project and Science Fiction Museum; Terry, again, shuttling the bikes from the dealership back to the hotel (now I owe you twice); Jack gettin’ his groove on for hours in the demo room; Jimi Hendrix experience; interview with Santana; what do you mean there’s a Jim Hensen exhibit?!?;  DUDE!  THE ORIGINAL KERMIT AND BERT & ERNIE!!!;  being 6 again…and never wanting to leave; early Jim Hensen drawings; original counting letters from the beginning of Sesame Street; playing with muppet fur; writing Adventure Trio IN the muppet fur; move aside, kid, these are memories from MY childhood; doing muppet puppet shows with Jack over and over again to “Movin’ Right Along” and “Mahna Mahna” (and remembering the words); Terry and I mesmerized in our own little wonderland; pizza delivery!; something brown; laundry in the sink; damp laundry right back in with the stinky stuff; finding parking right at Pike’s Market; chattin’ with the cool local Harley dude; ah, fresh Chinese food and strawberry smoothies;  thank you, kind lady, for offering to take our picture (I’m finally in one); so many people asking about us, so many cards handed out; Hey camera crew!  We’re over here!; leather cuff from local Kim Sun; promise of a scenic ride north to Canada; yes, I have the passports in a safe place; not wanting to leave Seattle; not dropping the bikes on those very steep hills; think we burned up a clutch or 2; missing Hank but got my dog fix with the one in the lobby; menacing clouds; Are those puddles?!?; wish we were camping; promises to return.

And there you have it, a sliver into our Seattle experience.  I highly recommend you visit this fabulous city.  You have already?  Well then, get back in the car and do it again!  So what if it rains!  So what if your hair frizzes?  I’ve got mine in a bike helmet and ya know that ain’t lookin’ pretty.

It’s off to Canada, eh.  Wish us luck, keep your weather fingers crossed and I’ll get to ya’ll when I can find a f@*$ing WiFi.