Terry Takes His “Dirt Bike” For A Swim

So it’s our final day in McCloud and we happened upon the rushing waters of Mud Creek (it has a fancier name, but you gotta call like the locals).  We’d been hearing about this “crossing” for years but had yet to stumble across it.  Right after we parked, a couple of...

Trailer Sweet Trailer

I’m literally in the back of a coffee shop in McCloud blogging and uploading pictures.  Hey, you gotta do whatcha gotta do to get the work done, right? It’s Memorial Day 2009 and what better way to spend it than with your family, your bikes and your 3.17 acres,...

Why We Do What We Do….

I just received an email from a fellow Mad Cow racer that Steve Larsen, an avid cyclist, runner and triathlete, died of a heart attack while out on a run.  Some of you ‘glass is half-empty’ people will look at this and say, “See!  Exercise can kill you!  That’s why I...

You’re Kidding, Right??

It’s never a good thing when you pull up to the house 10 days before you get the hell outta dodge and your husband in furiously searching his motorcycle for something.  No sir, not good.  The theory?  The seam had given way. Jack and I got out of the Mini and I...

Adventure Chik Gets Rehabbed

After checking over the previous owner’s repair records, Terry concluded that it was time for Adventure Chik to update some major parts, also known as “Blowing a Large Wad O’ Cash”.  But if we’re going to log 2,500 miles in 2 weeks, it will be money well spent.  A new...